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Office of the President
January 9, 2020

Dear Colleagues,

Since my arrival this past summer, I have said that budget challenges are ahead of us. Now, more accurately, they are upon us. The Graduate Center faces a daunting budget deficit this year and beyond. We have, however, been working diligently to find solutions to these budgetary issues. I’d like to provide an update following my first six months and report our findings.

Let me say first that I know that despite any challenges, we are innovative and resourceful. The Graduate Center’s rich intellectual life and commitment to generating knowledge has us uniquely positioned to face and surmount challenges. We have established ourselves as a leading scholarly institution, and we benefit from a community of faculty, staff, and students who are dedicated to further the public good. We are adept at making use of our resources to advance our mission and enhance our performance.

At times, even with all these benefits at our disposal, we are presented with challenges that test our mettle. This is one of those times. It is a time to recall our core values.

The Graduate Center’s Office of Finance and Administration has been conducting a thorough review of our mid-year report and year-end projections for our fiscal year 2020 financial plan. During this review we have been mindful that we are also preparing a six-year budget to present as part of our Middle States reaccreditation process, and we must have things in order for a new permanent president. It is imperative that we create a plan to address our present financial difficulties while maintaining our institutional priorities.

As this review continues, it is becoming clear that neither The Graduate Center, nor indeed CUNY, has the resources to entirely fill a significant budget gap. Given this, we are considering what measures we need to take to significantly redress our budget shortfall.

In order to course-correct and return to a balanced budget, we will continue to confer with academic programs and departments. We will also take immediate steps to limit our expenses. I wanted to make the community aware that we are taking the following actions:
  • Review the status of all open searches and cross check them with prior budget approvals;
  • Impose a hiring freeze going forward on all new full-time positions, as well as new part-time College Assistant and Non-Teaching Adjunct (NTA) positions;
  • Enact a hiring pause going forward on all replacements of full-time positions, as well as part-time College Assistant and NTA positions, due to vacancies; positions that have been vacated due to terminations resulting from performance management concerns may be refilled;
  • Impose a freeze on all step and merit increases (this will not affect contractually mandated increases);
  • Institute a 10% cut in overall fiscal year 2020 OTPS funding for administrative departments;
  • Impose a freeze on all tax-levy funded travel (this will not affect travel and research awards assigned to individual faculty members or tax-levy funded travel approved prior to December 31, 2019);

These actions, and others, will go into effect immediately and will remain in place minimally through June 30, 2020.

As we move into the new semester, we will be making financial decisions in a way that is most consistent with our core values. We will not come to these decisions easily, but it remains the only responsible course of action we can take in the face of our current financial situation. It is the right thing to do. In some cases, we are addressing items, in concert with others, that have needed attention for many years, including deferred maintenance and the longstanding need to increase compensation for adjuncts. We will employ a number of strategies to reduce costs, including the right-sizing of certain expenditures.

These are challenging times, but The Graduate Center’s mission is one that will not be compromised by these actions. The Graduate Center will weather this temporary financial adjustment and will emerge a more robust and more efficient institution. In fact, I am confident that we can use our problem-solving expertise to come out of this challenge in a stronger position and situated for growth over the long term.

Remember who we are: a leading R1 research institution with a community of capable and committed people who are driven to find solutions. We ask that you come together to pool resources where it makes sense, develop efficiencies when it is possible, and continue to think of ways to further our institution and its mission: to advance the public good through inspiring education and groundbreaking research.

Thank you for the thoughtful consideration you have already given this process during the past fiscal year and for your continuing support as we move ahead together.


Jim Muyskens
Interim President
The Graduate Center, CUNY | 365 Fifth Ave | New York, NY 10016

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